Staying Home During COVID-19

Apr 24, 2020

I need to be alone for certain amounts of time or I violate my own rhythm. -Lee Krasner

I always considered myself an extrovert. Not a life of the party extrovert or anything 😜, but that I *needed* to be around small groups of people regularly to stay balanced. My energy came from being with others. I wasn't a fan of silence. But, after completing some intentional, intense therapy several years ago, that all changed. Once I got to the root of insecurities and false beliefs, I all of a sudden felt okay to be alone. I no longer craved the distraction of others because there was no longer anything internal to run from. That's incredible freedom! 💫 Now, I sure cherish some quality time with those I love and still enjoy it regularly, but I am learning how to respect my need (even craving!) to be still. Or, like the above quote, it is a violation.

So, what's been your favorite way to slow down or practice solitude during this time of quarantine?


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