Create the Life You Can't Wait to Wake Up To

Apr 01, 2020

Create the life you can't wait to wake up to. -Mantra Magazine 

Happy April 1st! Ahhh, it’s not only the beginning of a new month but a new quarter and (pretty much) the beginning of a new season! The 1st quarter of this new decade is in the books, and whew, what a ride it's been! But, who knows, maybe we'll start to see parts of "normal" life return later this month? We can certainly hope.

For me, spring usually brings in surges of energy. The rebirth of the Earth is always such an inspiring fresh beginning.🌱 Doesn't it feel like awakening from winter’s cocoon to a world only full of possibilities? ✨🌈 

This year, with COVID-19, it's certainly different. During these past few weeks of isolation, I've come to realize just how vital it is to guard my thoughts and focus on optimism. Holding onto hope has been my lifeline. What's been your saving grace during this unusual season?

I love these wise words from Mantra Magazine. I really love what it inspires and have it hanging in our home as a daily reminder that we all have the opportunity to design and create a life of our choosing, of our wildest dreams or of our settling. No one else gets to make that choice for us... unless of course we let them. 👎🏻

Spring is such a lovely reminder of just how beautiful it is when we allow our authentic self to shine... and that’s something to be excited to wake up to. 

I’d love to know ... what have you done to intentionally create a life you love? 💕 


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